a film cult - San Francisco, CA

Zack McCune and Larisa Berger McCune, Founders 


Since 2019, we’ve made short movies from Hawaiian newsreels, French-Moroccan postcards, Buddhist shadow-puppet animations, and military skiing guides. We’ve even trained AI to generate new images for the “first” photographer of ancient Egyptian sites. We believe that new stories can be told with “old” media, and we love to “rescue & remix” forgotten stories. 

We also organize film events in San Francisco. Since 2015, we have been running an event called “secret cinema society” to bring people to rare/foreign/award-winning films they might otherwise never hear about, let alone see. In 2024, Zack joined up with the Adventure Report community to bring the BANFF Mountain Film Festival back to San Francisco. It was the first time the program was in SF in years, and 700 film fans showed up. 

Sign up for our mailing list to keep up with our film events. 

A few studio highlights 

2019: Intertidal founded. It’s a pun on the intertitles used in silent movies + our love of swimming/surfing/fishing in the intertidal zone near our house.

2022: Zack and Larisa premiere a film (THE LAST LION) in person for first time at Roxie Theater, San Francisco. The film goes on to screen at 5 wildlife-focused festivals.

2023: Zack and Larisa win BEST SHORT FILM at the AI International Film Festival in Park City, Utah. The film, ANTIQUE LANDS, adapted Shelley’s Ozymandias with AI generated photography.

2024: Zack and Larisa win BEST SUPER 8 FILM for WORKS OF HANDS at the Underwater Love Film Festival in Venice, Italy. The adventurous festival takes place on a ship moored in the Venetian lagoon in heavy fog. 

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